
Hi! I'm Melissa Ens.

Teacher. Learner. Birdwatcher. Bible nerd. Sign up for my Faith STEMS: Reflections email list to get the inside scoop about what God is teaching me through creation each week.

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🌨️ Patience in the Winter Seasons

Patience in the Winter Seasons When I looked at the trees and bushes outside last week, from a distance they mostly looked asleep - or even dead. Winter is like that. Trees look barren and skies are often gray. It's cold and dark and not the time of year we associate with growth. To be honest, winter is not my favorite season. I know some people love it, but the cold days and long, dark nights make me feel dreary and unmotivated. I struggle to feel like I'm growing the way I want to. Are...

Rhythms all around... Winter is in full force here in the northern hemisphere. (And my friends who live in the southern hemisphere are feeling the heat of summer!) From seasons to sunrises, we are surrounded by rhythms and cycles of all kinds. Earth's orbit moves us from summer to fall to winter.Our planet spins, moving us from day to night.Tides come in and out.The moon waxes and wanes.Our muscles contract and relax.Our hearts pump and pump again while lungs inhale and exhale. We wake and we...

brown and gray bird

Hello, friends. I'm back and have decided to call these emails Reflections. According to, "reflection" is a noun meaning: the act of reflecting, as in casting back a light or heat, mirroring, or giving back or showing an image; the state of being reflected in this image; representation; counterpart. a fixing of the thoughts on something; careful consideration. a thought occurring in consideration or meditation. I hope these emails will be a place where I can reflect the...

Hello! Hooray! We did it! You may not realize that you did something, but you did. I did the work of creating a place where you could sign up for this email, and you trusted me with your email address. I wrote it and sent it, and you opened it! 🎉 So here we are. That's something I'm going to celebrate, I promise! Welcome to the very first Faith STEMS email. I don't know what I'm going to calls these messages yet, but I do know that I am hoping this will be a place where I can share some...